♀Country General Manager - LVMH Group

I reached out to Catherine when I was applying for a job which was a significant step up for me.
Catherine was able to follow my fast pace, leveraging her great listening and strategic thinking, and being spot on in her comments and thoughts pushing me to a higher level. She gave me the confidence I needed to push back that terrible imposture syndrome, a real eye-opener that I deserved that job as I had all the skills required.
This helped me successfully approach the full process with the right mind set, having an impactful communication and enabling me to show my fit with the company.
CEO Fashion Consultancy Start Up
J’ai eu la chance de rencontrer Catherine au moment où je me posais des questions sur l’orientation que devait prendre ma carrière.
Elle a une approche holistique qui m’a permis de faire ressortir le meilleur de mon expérience professionnelle pour la mise en place de nouveau processus de développement.
Ses qualités manageriales au service du coaching rendent son expertise très opérationnelle.